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Tutti i 5 Anni della Scuola Primaria
Greetings - alphabet - classroom objects - colours - numbers 1-10 - domestic animals - commands - what's your name? - how old are you? - imperatives - clothes 1

1° Anno - 30 ore
Greetings - alphabet - classroom objects - colours - numbers 1-10 - domestic animals - commands - what's your name? - how old are you? - imperatives - clothes 1
2° Anno - 60 ore
numbers 11-20 - farm animals - alphabet - please/thank you - seasons - toys - months - clothes 2 - food 1 - plurals - how many? - what colour? .- what's this?
3° Anno - 60 ore
numbers 21-100 - town - food 2 - toys - money - furniture - sport - describing people - there is/are - what's your name? - how old? where are you from? - to be - parts of the day - opposite adjectives - wild animals - body parts 1 - face 1 - where are you from?
4° Anno - 60 ore
nationalities- feelings - clothes - family - describing people - food & drinks - days of the week - school subjects - face - to have breakfast/lunch/dinner - city buildings - directions - personal pronouns - common verbs - possessive adjectives -
5° Anno - 90 ore  
nature, jobs, places of work, shops, house (living room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom) - I can/can't - hobbies - the time
